build, page 3
Foreman CNC has finished the machining of four cylinders. The next
step is to hone them to size and install the iron liners. The liners
are supposed to be .004" larger in diameter than the cylinders,
so the aluminum cylinders will be heated to 425-450 deg.F., at which
point the liners should slide right in (theoretically). The machine
work and finish on the cylinders is excellent.
All the Mastercam toolpath work is completed
for the top case. A machine shop using Mcam X5 should be able to use
the toolpath files, with a little bit of tweaking, to make the part.
This should save the machine shop time and cost us less! Here are some
examples of what the top case would look like as the Drive Side and
the Timing Side are machined.   
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